Monday, August 3, 2015

return #1

Aloha Westward Fans!

Well guys, the sad part of any adventure is the retracing of steps back to home. Roger, Bill, Scott, Sam and Laurie left our 1 week home at the Hawaii YC with the fanfare of the whole Suite Host Group. What a week, Wendy watching us like her own flock, vehicle, meals, transportation, continuous "smiles" and any other support needed. Westward headed for a PR rendezvous with the Ocean Cleanup group at 1200 which we milled around for 1 hour off of the Hilton Hotel, said our goodbyes to the organizing group and headed clockwise for Los Angeles. It was a pleasant sail in the lee of Oahu and all were enjoying the sail. We stuck our nose out from under the Island and we all now realize what homeward bound really meant.

Unlike the Hawaiian area on the trip down, rolling swells, nice breezes, sunsuits and warmth, the same conditions on the retrun means steep swells, head on spray, complete foul-weather gear and a chill factor. The boat has to be closed up and is hot and humid within.

Our first meal with Wind Rose potatoes was excellent and future meals will keep the high spirits. We just landed a Mahi Mahi big enough for several days but the second one released itself upon reaching the boat. Future updates to Follow

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